Day 3 with the chicks and I can't believe how big their feathers are getting already!
They are changing daily. There was a bit of a pasty butt problem on day 2, but after a tush wash for each chick, they look great now.
I moistened a little chick food with warm water and added a tsp of plain yogurt and offered it to the chicks. I thought they would love it but it was quite the opposite. One peck and they wouldn't touch it again.
A bit later I gave them a bit of crumbled egg yolk and was astounded that the box turned into a free for all!I moistened a little chick food with warm water and added a tsp of plain yogurt and offered it to the chicks. I thought they would love it but it was quite the opposite. One peck and they wouldn't touch it again.
The Buff Orpington (still without a name) was the first to try a piece and the others got curious and started checking out what she had. She didn't like that and took off running with all the others chasing her, it was hilarious! More of them discovered the egg and a wild time was had by all till only a few crumbs were left!
Look at that smile!
Proud of her new finery!
Marshmallow Peep!
Monster Boy uncharacteristically still for more than 20 seconds
I want some chickees! Unfortunately our neighborhood covenant forbids chickens. Something about crowing at 4am.