Monday, May 25, 2015

5/25/15 Memorial Day

5/25/15 Memorial Day 

Today I am thankful for:
+ Cloudy mornings and warm beds for sleeping in late
+ Music from the Walking Dead
+ Wind chimes my son made for me 
+ Most of all, I am thankful for all the brave men and women who gave their lives defending the ideal of Freedom

Today I am praying for: 
+  For Misty who is on her way to heaven soon after a valiant fight.....but God willing not just yet.
+  For Adrian, and his family as a 2nd summer begins without him. May his family,and his friends continue to heal and the terrible memories of that day fade and be replaced with memories of joy and happiness when they were in his company.
+   For peace, that people realize their brotherhood with each other, under our Father in heaven
+  For all the dead, through all the wars, that we start valuing life more and more each day.

May all the souls of the faithful departed, 
through the mercy of God, 
rest In Peace

Today I am reading:
+   Resistance: A Frenchwoman's Journal of the War by Agnes Humbert & Barbara Mellor 
Very interesting book to read before our trip. I am going to be reading many that will enrich our visit to Paris, Normandy and London - we are such history nuts!

 Paris I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down by Rosecrans Baldwin

Funny, but a little odd too. Can't quite figure out if I like it yet

+ London 1945: Life in The Debris of War  by Maureen Waller
I've just looked at the pictures in the middle of the book so far (don't judge! :-) I think it's geared towards after the war and how they picked up the pieces and moved on. I was hoping for more about the day to day surviving in London during the war, but I may give it a shot.

Today I am looking toward: 
+ Our trip to Paris in July 2015

Today I am remembering:
+  My father, Major C.L. Bahm Jr

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