Monday, March 22, 2010

Poor Bernice is behind bars....

"Psst! Get me out, Rocko!"

The "Pen"

"Psst! Here's the corncake with the file in it!"

Actually, Bernice got a sore on her toe and the other chicks would not let it alone! They thought it was a bug or something and kept pecking on it!

I got another box and put her in it and she peeped so loud, poor thing. She was lonely.
So I cut a doorway and put a metal grill between the two boxes so they could see each other.

At first it was full length but one of the chicks STILL got at her foot.
So, just a little peep hole. It's still pretty sad.
She wants to be with her sisters so bad!

1 comment:

  1. You haven't posted a blog in weeks! I want to see updated chicken pix!
